I propose differently.
I propose that we need to be aware of the Big Bad Wolves, including that idea that sometimes the Big Bad Wolves are ourselves. (Maybe we even keep a golf club under the bed, just in case.) But at some point, in order to grow and learn and be, in order to really get anyplace worth mentioning, we need to relinquish control and trust the Universe that it will all work out. F'real.

I trust my process to come up with ideas. I trust my education and experience to know how to build the ideas. I trust myself to finish them. Then there is the trust I have with my customers: I trust their checks will clear, that when they tell me they want the lamp base to be 18 inches, they actually mean 18 inches, that when I ship something that took hours to make, they will appreciate it when they open the box.
I trust that trying out new things: new selling venues or a new class, or interviewing a new someone I admire, will lead to other good things, which will cause me to grow. I trust the opinions of people I love. I trust that most of my mistakes will lead to my learning something. I trust the energy I am sending out there will come back to me somehow.
And it will. I'm sure of it.
Oh yes. I am with you. There is so much about stay safe be weary that people have a hard time trusting others. Which is trusting themselves to beable to make up their own minds on who to trust. The council here have put so many things in place just incase we decide we dont know that that is a step, a driveway, a drop, a bum in the path, a tree sticking out. Our pottery association has to have a fire escape route. It is one large room and a smaller one with the kilns in it that one has a door at both end. Dont the government trust us to know that the doors we use every day of our lives are the things we use in the case of a fire too to leave the room !!! We are taught to fear all these day. I think it makes us fear our own success do you think so too ?
ReplyDeleteOw, this is a biggie!! Trusting takes a LOT of courage! I was sort of hoping after Helen's comment over on the FB page that you offered a course in learning to trust ;) I'm still - at times, and now is one of them - stuck in 'need to know'. And need-to-know bites trust. Hard! It's a juggling act. I'm prone to dropping the ball. Repeatedly. But I'll get there! Like you! You're doing great!!
ReplyDeleteYES, H.A.N!! Being taught those fears definitely makes us leery of trusting ourselves. If we are told and shown regularly and since we were young, not to trust others, not even to trust ourselves: how can we not be afraid if it's all we've known? But as we "poke our little turtle heads out of our shells", we can experience a bit of success, yes? That bit can transform into a bit of courage, and so on and so on. I believe it!!! Thank you for your comments. (And you, too, Yvonne!) It is so nice to know that someone out there is listening and thinking about these things, too!! :)))))