Monday, August 26, 2013

A List in INGs

I love lists.  They're like an archeological dig of what's going on in your life.  (Especially old ones found in the bottom of handbags, or tucked between the pages of a forgotten book.)  This happy list has been making its rounds on some lovely blogs I follow, like Kathryn Mitchell Ceramics and Pip Lincolne, and I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Making : Rectangular platters with inlay.
Seeking this one out at the PPL.
Cooking : Gazpacho.
Drinking : Grumpy Monkey coffee (Holla, Small World.)
Reading: Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan.
Wanting: More TIME.
Looking: Pinterest, you saucy minx.
Playing: Too much solitaire on my iPhone.
Wasting: Beautiful heirloom tomatoes from our CSA share, but a girl can only eat so many tomatoes.
Sewing: Nada.
Wishing: For the colors and cool of fall.
Enjoying: Middle of the summer day hugs from my boys.
Waiting: For lightning to strike never works.
Liking: The quiet of the house before everyone else wakes.
Wondering: If I will ever finish this manuscript.
Loving: My David.
Marvelling: That there's always another idea in my head.
Needing: A good source for handmade, round wood boxes.  Don't ask.
Smelling: Aforementioned coffee.
Wearing: New ikat t-shirt, navy and white.
Following: My heart.
Noticing: Color combinations: gray and yellow, lilac and white.
Knowing: I just need to keep at it.
Thinking: All the time.  Way too much.  And somehow not enough.
Bookmarking: Indie bridal websites for work inspiration.
Opening: Happy thank you note from friend.
Giggling: Everyday, with these boys of mine.
Feeling: Blessed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this in so many ways, I'd love to sit down and do it one day but I always seem to be ING-ing too much!!! :)
