As 2009 draws to a close, it's so very tempting to make that list for 2010. You know the one. The one that has all the stuff on it that you intend to git 'er done. All the good intentions. The supposed tos. A list that implies there are things that are wrong with you and need to be fixed. The quit smoking, lose 10 pounds, call your mother more list? That one.
I propose that we re-think it. Frankly, I think it can be a little un-fun. I mean, do you ever put things on it like: visit Tahiti, eat more Ben and Jerry's, or tell that mean guy at the post office to eff off?
So I'm not making a grand list of resolutions this year. Instead I want to think about the good stuff I've gotten done in 2009.
It's not like there were earth-shattering accomplishments, but there's some good stuff on there: bought a kiln, started a business, didn't lose my temper when my car was rear-ended for the third time in as many years, visited Santa Fe, found out I was going to become an aunt, helped my son become a better reader, finally paid a professional to color my hair.
So the Schramsburg's on ice, and our exciting New Year's Eve plans are comprised of pasta at home with all my boys. Then after the kids go to bed, my hubby and I are going to watch the Three Colors triology. (If we can stay awake that long.) He'll make a fire and we'll snuggle and I hope we'll talk about what good things we've accomplished this year. And I am going to suggest that we make only one New Year's resolution for 2010:
Happy New Year, y'all!!
Click here for video: The Fun Theory