What if we took it a little further? What if we did the same kind of nice things we do for our family and friends, for ourselves? What would that look like?
Here's my week:
1) I chose an apple instead of chips. Twice.
2) I remembered my coupons for Staples. And mentally congratulated myself. AND saved $7.
3) For some reason, working at home felt like house-arrest this week, so I called a friend and asked her to go for a walk with me. The whole dynamic of my afternoon changed.

4) I pulled on the dreaded spandex and kept my appointment to lift weights. This usually gives me agitata, but I flexed my arm before I left the mirror, and damn it if there wasn't a muscle there.
5) I fully accepted a hug when I didn't feel particularly hug-worthy.
6) I patted myself on the back for marrying well.
7) A little cup of peppermint tea goes a long way.
8) So does a hot shower.
9) Or a fire in the fireplace, even if it's just for me.
What right things did you do this week? How did you take care of yourself? How COULD you take care of yourself? C'mon, think. I bet that list is longer than you thought. Or if not, it could be…just sayin'.