Okay. That's enough snow days. It used to be adorable, like we were on Little House on the Prairie: using words like
snug and
holed up, chopping wood for that great-smelling fire, wearing flannels, maybe using our red snowshoes. Now, as they say, the bloom is off the rose.
We're making the best of it. Husband working from home because the commute is a disaster. Kids are still in pajamas at noon, reading in bed, playing FIFA, bellies full of gluten free pancakes and strawberries. My house is a little louder than normal, so finding a quiet place to write is challenging. With my back-imposed moratorium on ceramics, (poor lonely studio...crickets...) I have to get my creative kernels somewhere else. So I'm looking where I eat. Literally.
BELLY: It might be lowbrow, but I don't give a rat's ass. Cashew Lovers Poppycock. It's RIDICULOUSLY delicious. Somehow I've only been able to find it in a small BARREL size. Oh, well, too bad so sad.
Keep warm, butterbeans. Go make a snack. :)